Healthcare and Medical Education Advisory Councils

The Louisiana State University Board of Supervisors’ Chairman of the Board has created the following Healthcare and Medical Education advisory councils:

  1. LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Advisory Council
  2. LSU Health Science Center Shreveport Advisory Council
  3. LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Advisory Council

LSU Health Science Center Shreveport Advisory Council Members

  1. Burke J. Brooks, MD
  2. Philip Cole, MD
  3. Troy Drewitz, MD
  4. Lauren Dulaney, MD
  5. Lester Wayne Johnson, MD
  6. Rand Metoyer, MD
  7. Former Senator Greg Tarver
  8. Steven Trawick, MD
  9. Sean Troxclair, MD
  10. Gazi Zibari, MD

LSU Health Science Center New Orleans Advisory Council Members

  1. Rahn Bailey, MD
  2. Howard Brenner, MD
  3. Babi Chandamuri, MD
  4. Gerry Cvitanovich, MD
  5. Pamela Daniel, DDS
  6. Jay Dumas, DMD
  7. Jimmy Falterman, MD
  8. Byron Herpich, MD
  9. Dr Alisha Lacour, MD
  10. Angela McLean, MD
  11. Al Moreau III, PT
  12. Gary Reiss, MD
  13. Taniya Silva, MD
  14. Stephanie Taylor, MD
  15. Christopher Thomas, MD
  16. Terri Thomas, MD

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Advisory Council Members

  1. Clark Cooper DVM
  2. Renita Marshall DVM/MS
  3. Representative Wayne McMahon, DVM
  4. George Robinson, DVM/MSPH
  5. Marion Sewell, DVM
  6. Stephen Slaton, DVM
  7. Alfred Stevens, DVM