Distinguished Research Master

Since 1972, the Council on Research has presented the University-wide award of Distinguished Research Master in recognition of outstanding career accomplishments in research and scholarship.  The recipient is chosen by the Council from nominees proposed from the University community.

Nominations are solicited each Fall for review by the council in one of two categories:

  • Arts, Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

The award consists of the University Medal, a certificate designating the recipient as a Distinguished Research Master and a $2,500 annualized salary adjustment. Recipients of the award will be notified in February following the nomination year.


Any full professor (with the exception of a current Boyd Professor) is eligible for the Distinguished Research Master award.  The career awards are intended to recognize individuals with a long-term record typically seven (7) years or longer of truly distinguished research and scholarship while at LSU.

Nominations may come from any faculty member but must be submitted through the appropriate department chair/unit head and dean/director to the Council on Research.  All nomination packets should be contained in a single electronic file and organized in a manner consistent with the format provided in the nomination guidelines.

Review Criteria

This career award recognizes the significant contributions of a scholar to research, scholarship and creative activity on the national and international stage.  Three conditions apply:

  • The nominee must have a sustained public scholarly and/or research record.
  • A substantial portion of the nominee’s scholarly and/or research record must have been compiled while at Louisiana State University and A & M College.
  • The nominee’s research and scholarship must have made a vital impact on the scholarly community in the nominee’s field.


Nomination Materials

DRM nominations must include:

  • a nomination letter (3 pages max)
  • a current vita (5 pages max) for the nominee
  • support letters from the department chair (if not the nominator) and dean, (3 pages max each) and
  • three (3) external letters of reference.

The outside references must come from prominent scholars who are located at peer universities or, where appropriate, at major research laboratories or federal agencies.

Submitting Nominations

The Request for Nominations is published near the beginning of the Fall semester, with an anticipated submission deadline in late November. Specific information, including submission deadlines, required materials and submission processes can be found there.

Nominations are only accepted through the LSU Internal Grants & Competition Portal.

LSU Internal Grants & Competition Portal



Distinguished Research Masters

Year Recipients
2023 Paul Frick, Psychology
Mette Gaarde, Physics & Astronomy
2022 Fahui Wang, Geography & Anthroplogy
Guoqiang Li, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
2021 Wesley Shrum, Sociology
Peter Clift, Geology & Geophysics
2020 Pius Khashama Ngandu, French Studies
Robert Lipton, Mathematics
2019 Heather McKillop, Geography & Anthropology
Joseph A. Giaime, Physics & Astronomy
2018 Kam-biu Liu, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
William Demastes, English
2017 Michael Khonsari, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Nancy Isenberg, History
2016 Jagannathan Ramanujam, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Michelle Zerba, English
2015 Graca Vicente, Chemistry
John Protevi, French Studies
2014 Elisabeth Oliver, English
Jorge Pullin, Physics & Astronomy
2013 Susanne Brenner, Mathematics
R. Kelley Pace, Finance
2012 Carl Freedman, English
Bradley Schaefer, Physics & Astronomy
2011 Suzanne L. Marchand, History
Kalliat T. Valsaraj, Chemical Engineering
2010 Kevin L. Cope, English
Robin L. McCarley, Chemistry
2009 Sumanta Acharya, Mechanical Engineering
Nina Lam, Environmental Sciences
2008 Gestur Olafsson, Mathematics
James Wilcox, English
2007 Robert C. Mathews, Psychology
Steven A. Soper, Chemistry & Mechanical Engineering
2006 Jerry P. Draayer, Physics & Astronomy
James C. Garand, Political Science
2005 R. Eugene Turner, Oceanography
Paul E. Hoffman, History
2004 Brian J. Hales, Chemistry
M. Cornelia Yarbrough, Music
2003 Arnold H. Bouma, Geology & Geophysics
Patrick McGee, English
2002 Johnny Matson, Psychology
Vijay P. Singh, Civil & Environmental Engineering
2001 John T. Caprio, Biological Sciences
Joseph V. Ricapito, Foreign Languages & Literatures
2000 Alexandre Leupin, French Studies
Joel Tohline, Physics & Astronomy
1999 James Olney, English
James Oxley, Mathematics
1998 S. Sitharama Iyengar, Computer Science
J. Gerald Kennedy, English
1997 Anne C. Loveland, History
Harry H. Roberts, Coastal Studies
1996 Johannes Storz, Veterinary Microbiology & Parasitological
Eugene Wittkopf, Political Science
1995 Arthur G. Bedeian, Management
1994 Louis J. Thibodeaux, Chemical Engineering
1993 George Z. Voyiadjis, Civil & Environmental Engineering
1992 G. Ellis Sandoz, Political Science
1991 John C. Merrill, Journalism
1990 Robert A. Godke, Animal Science & Veterinary Physiology
1989 Nikolaus H. Fisher, Chemistry
1988 Samuel P. Meyers, Marine Science & Food Science
1987 A. R. P. Rau, Physics & Astronomy
1986 Kenneth N. Orbach, Accounting
1985 Thomas R. Klei, Veterinary Microbiology & Parasitology
1984 Attipat K. Rajagopal, Physics & Astronomy
1983 Ronald J. W. Henry, Physics & Astronomy
1982 George R. Newkome, Chemistry
Donald E. Stanford, English
1981 Alworth D. Larson, Microbiology
Neal W. Stoltzfus, Mathematics
1980 William J. Cooper, Jr., History
1979 Wayne L. Mattice, Chemistry
1978 Kendall N. Houk, Chemistry
1977 Lewis P. Simpson, English
1976 James M. Coleman, Coastal Studies Institute
Herman E. Daly, Economics
1975 Robert F. O’Connell, Physics & Astronomy
William H. Patrick, Jr., Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute
1974 H. Jesse Walker, Geography & Anthropology
1973 Albert H. Meier, Zoology & Physiology
1972 Robert Thompson, Psychology