Admitted Students

Making LSU Home

After you submit your enrollment deposit and activate your myLSU account, complete your housing application and contract, or request an exemption to the live-on requirement in the housing portal.

The date you submit the housing application determines your priority for room assignment/selection.

The priority housing application completion date is May 2, 2025. The assignments team will make room assignments for students who submit a housing application May 3, 2025, and later, as space is available.


Once you've made LSU your choice, submit your non-refundable required enrollment deposit in your LSU Admissions Portal to save your spot in the incoming class.

MyLSU is a personalized online resource center for all deposited LSU students.

After 48 hours of activating your myLSU account, you can access the housing portal to submit your housing application and view other myLSU features.

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your myLSU username in the “myLSU account or Email Address” space. (Your myLSU username can be found in your LSU Admissions Portal ex: mtiger1).
  3. Click “Forgot Password”
  4. Complete steps to create a password

Anytime you login to myLSU, you must use your myLSU username. Do not use a personal email address to login to myLSU.

Until you can log in to the housing portal, research where you'd like to live on campus. 

You won't enter an exact building name on the housing application, like Miller Hall or Azalea Hall, but you will tell us if you prefer to live in a traditional housing option or have a living-learning experience in a residential college.

If you change you mind later, email to update your application. 

The housing portal opens December 2, 2024, at 10 a.m. CST to complete one of these two processes to enroll at LSU for 2025-26: 

  1. Submit the housing application and academic-year housing contract, and submit the $75 non-refundable fee, or
  2. Submit an exemption request to the first-year student live-on requirement. Requests must be approved.

The date you submit the housing application determines your priority for room assignment/selection.

Use your myLSU log in credentials to access the housing portal. It takes 48 hours after first accessing myLSU for you to gain access to the housing portal. 

Review the full details of the academic-year contract and cancellation penalties before you complete this step. 

The housing application priority completion date is May 2, 2025. Students who submit a housing agreement May 3, 2025, and later, will be assigned a room as space is available in June. 

Roommate matching opens at 10 a.m. CST on March 13, 2025, for fall 2025, and remains open through May for you to create a roommate group of people you prefer to live with. Learn more about roommate groups below.

  • Students living in residential colleges should have their preferred roommate group complete by May 11, 2025.
  • Students living in traditional housing options should have their preferred roommate group complete by May 18, 2025. 

Students living in residential colleges who applied through May 2, can view room and roommate assignments on the housing portal's "My Details" tab May 14, 2025 by 4:30 p.m. CST, once our assignments team makes your room assignment for you.

Students living in traditional housing options who applied through May 2 will select their room May 19-30, 2025. View room selection time slots on the housing portal's "My Details" tab on May 6, 2025 by 4:30 p.m. CST. 

  • Room Selection Time Slot: The day and time students living in traditional housing options will gain access to self-select their room and pull in roommates from their preferred roommate group. 

The priority housing agreement completion date is May 2, 2025. If you complete the housing agreement May 3, 2025, or later, our staff will make your room assignment for you starting June 9, 2025. 

Room change requests are honored as space is available. Email our team at if you want to change your housing preference or room. 

Cancellation penalties begin June 1, 2025. 

If your plans to live on campus or attend LSU change, you must cancel your housing application and contract. Review the full details of the academic-year contract and cancellation penalties before you complete this step! 



Freshmen Live on Campus


Freshman Resident: RA Ratio


Room Assignment Resources 

Traditional Housing 


Traditional Housing Availability 

Building availability will be updated here once room selection begins. 

This information is subject to change. 

Hall/Apartment Male Spaces Female Spaces
Acadian Hall Floors 3, 4 Floors 1, 2, 5
Annie Boyd Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
Azalea Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
Blake Hall All suites are single-gender suites; not by floor
Hall Bath Rooms: Floor  2
All suites are single-gender suites; not by floor 
Hall Bath Rooms: Floors 1, 3
Broussard Hall Floor 2 Basement, 1, 2, annex
Camellia Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
Cedar Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
Cypress Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
East Campus Apartments Single-gender apartments
East Laville Hall Floor 3 Basement, 1, 2
Evangeline Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
Herget Hall Floors 1, 3 Floors 2, 4, 5, 6
Highland Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
McVoy Hall Floors 1, 2 Floors 3, 4
Miller Hall   Floors 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
North Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
Pentagon - Beauregard Hall Stacks 3, 4 Stacks 1, 2, 5
Pentagon - Jackson Hall Stacks 3, 4 Stacks 1, 2, 5
Pentagon -LeJeune Hall   Stacks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Pentagon - Taylor Hall Stacks 1, 2 Stacks 3, 4
South Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
Spruce Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
West Campus Apartments Single-gender apartments
West Hall Single-gender suites; not by floor
West Laville Hall Basement, 3  Floors 1, 2

*Updated: March 12, 2025

Roommate Finder in the Housing Portal  
Sometimes called “online dating for roommates,” the Roommate Finder service compares students’ profile answers and suggests compatible roommates with the same housing preference (residential college or traditional housing).   

  • Roommate Finder has no impact on housing priority. Housing room assignment priority is always based on when you submit your housing application and agreement.  
  • You can view students’ profiles, look for personal contact info and social media handles in their bio, or message roommates through the housing portal.  
  • Participation is optional. Many students opt for a random roommate, which is fine!  
  • If you already know your preferred roommates, you can search by their myLSU username.
  • Answer the questions on the “My Profile” page in the housing application to help you find compatible roommates.  
  • Be honest in your answers and be open to meeting new people.
  • Students should complete the questionnaire, not their parents.  


Who You See 
Students must have an active housing application to participate in Roommate Finder. Potential roommate options will increase as more students are admitted and commit to LSU.  
Your preferred roommates must have the same housing preference as you.

  • For example, students in the Engineering Residential College can only request other students who are also in the Engineering Residential College. If you indicated a preference to live in traditional housing options, you’ll only be able to search for and invite roommates who are also interested in traditional housing options.  

If you request to change your housing preference, the potential roommates you see may change. 
Preferred Roommate Group 
Your group can have up to four (4) members. These are the people you want to have as roommate(s) or suitemate(s).  

Being in a preferred roommate group does not guarantee you'll be together but just indicates who you'd prefer to live with.

You can only be in one preferred roommate group at a time.

Group Leader: Change the group order, change who the group leader is, send messages, and view member profiles. If you decide to leave the group, you must make someone else the new group leader. 

Group Member: You can view member profiles, send messages, or leave the group.   

Join Group: Search for an existing roommate group.  
Search for Roommates by myLSU ID: If you know a friend’s myLSU ID (username), search to quickly find them. 
Suggested Roommates: These results are based on the answers you provided on your profile page. 
Preferred Roommate Groups in Traditional Housing vs. Residential Colleges

Traditional Housing Options  
One member is designated as the group leader. This person is responsible for choosing a space on campus and placing everyone from the preferred roommate group into the open beds of that space during self-room selection.  
Students living in traditional housing options should complete their preferred roommate group by May 18, 2025. 
Once you get your room selection time slot, make sure to adjust the group leader to whoever has the earliest time slot to choose your room earlier.  
During room selection, the group leader can only place people from their preferred roommate group into available beds.   
If the group leader doesn’t place all members into available bed spaces, each student can log in at their assigned time slot and choose a bed space, regardless of if/where their group members have gone.  

Residential Colleges   
For residential college students, preferred roommate groups will be used to place you in your residential college building with preferred roommates and suitemates by our Assignments Team. 
Rank your preferred roommate as the first roommate and preferred suitemates as the third and fourth roommates in the group. This helps our team get the right people in the right rooms.  
Students in residential colleges should complete their preferred roommate group by May 11, 2025.