Loretta Pecchioni in conversation

Loretta Pecchioni

Professor Emeritus

PhD: University of Oklahoma (Communication Theory)
Phone: 225-578-4172
E-mail: lpecch1@lsu.edu

Curriculum Vita

The development and maintenance of interpersonal relationships across the lifespan, focusing on aging and health-related issues within the family.

CMST 7910: Communication and Aging 
CMST 7910: Health Communication 
CMST 7910: Instructional Communication 
CMST 7910: Interpersonal Communication 
CMST 7910: Lifespan Communication 
CMST 7910: Organizational Communication 
CMST 7901: Pedagogy in the Communication Classroom 
CMST 4114: Communication Theory 
CMST 4112: Health Communication 

Pecchioni, L. L., & Keeley, M. P. (in press). Insights about health from family communication theories. In T. L. Thompson, R. Parrott, & J. Nussbaum (Eds.), Handbook of health communication, 2nd ed., London: Taylor and Francis.

Pecchioni, L.L., Krieger, J. C., Sparks, L., Pitts, M., & Ota, H. (2008). Investigating cancer and aging from a cultural perspective. In L. Sparks, H. D. O’Hair, & G. L. Kreps, (Eds.), Cancer, communication and aging, (pp. 239-257). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Bevan, J. L., & Pecchioni, L. L. (2008) Understanding the impact of family caregiver cancer literacy on patient health outcomes. Patient Education and Counseling, 356-364.

Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Demirtas-Madran, H. A., Pecchioni, L., & Choi, C. (2008). Perceptions of Trust, Compliance, and Accommodation in Police-Civilian Encounters: A Russian, Turkish, and American Cross-National Analysis. Journal of Russian Communication, 1, 127-148.

Pecchioni, L. L., & Sparks, L. (2007). Health information sources of individuals with cancer and their family members. Health Communication, 21, 143-151.

Pecchioni, L. L., Thompson, T. L., & Anderson, D. J. (2006). Interrelations between family communication and health communication. In R. West and L. Turner (Eds.), The family communication sourcebook, (pp. 447-468). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 

Hajek, C., Barker, V., Giles, H., Louw-Potgieter, J., Pecchioni, L., Makoni, S., & Myers, P. (2006). Communicative dynamics of police-civilian encounters: South African and American interethnic data. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 35, 161-182. 

Pecchioni, L. L., Wright, K. B., & Nussbaum, J. F. (2005). Life-span communication. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Pecchioni, L. L., Ota, H., & Sparks, L. (2004). Cultural issues in communication and aging. In J. F. Nussbaum & J. Coupland (Eds.), Handbook of communication and aging research (2nd ed.), (pp. 167-207). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Nussbaum, J. F., Pecchioni, L. L., Robinson, J. D., & Thompson, T. (2000). Communication and aging (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.